Riverside Oaks is Closed Due to Flooding

Published on 4th March 2022 in Latest News, Uncategorized, Whats On

Hi All,

We are thinking of all who are affected by the flooding.

We are devastated that Bungool is again flooded just shy of re-opening.

We are unsure of the damage to Gangurru at this stage. We are remaining closed until further notice. We are unsure at this stage when the resort will re-open.

Communication will go out again next week when hopefully we can provide an opening date.

There will be no one onsite answering phone calls as we have lost power.

If you have any golf booking questions please email Cody Harper – directorofgolf@riversideoaks.com.au

If you have any accommodation questions please email Miranda Li reception@riversideoaks.com.au

Stay safe and hope to see you all soon.


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